What to Expect
When: January 17-18, 2025
Who: 6th-12th Grade Girls
Where: Radiant Life Dublin
Teen Girl Conference is a weekend for girls in grades 6-12 that helps your teen girl develop a deeper relationship with God while they develop deeper relationships with one another.
This event is open for all churches with or without Girls Ministries. All you need is a female leader to attend with your teens!
You can expect to experience powerful worship, great teachings, and a super fun after party just for us girls!
Speaker & Worship
Speaker- Danielle Dickerson
Danielle has been credentialed minister for over 15 years. She and her husband were youth pastors for a few years before she began to focus her ministry to women of all ages. Her heart is to help young ladies (and older ones too) know and understand who they are in Christ and how much they are loved by Him. She desires to help women grow in their relationship with Jesus, connect in lasting and life-giving friendships with other women, and encourages them to live out their faith and calling.
Danielle’s number one ministry is her family. She met her husband, Jason, while in college and they got married in 2004. They have three amazing children Addison, Averi, and Zechariah. Their house is filled with lots of noise, laughter, with a little bit of craziness wrapped in there too.
Worship- Rachel Gross
Pastor Rachel Gross and her team will be leading our teen girls into God’s presence at TGC ‘24! Her and her husband Chris are co-lead pastors at Radiant Life Church- Dublin. Prior to being a lead pastor, Chris and Rachel were youth pastors- she has a heart for teens to know Jesus!
Ready to Give to THIS GIRL?
Click at the provided link to give digitally. Add Girls Ministries in the notes!
Event Schedule
Friday, January 17th
6:00 pm- Registration Opens
7:00 pm- Pre-Service
7:30 pm- Main Session- Danielle Dickerson
9:30 pm- Late Night After party
Saturday, January 18
9:30 am- Doors Open
10:00 am- Morning Session
11:30 am- Breakout Rotation 1
12:05 am- Breakout Rotation 2
12:45 pm- Lunch Onsite
1:30 pm- Closing Service- Danielle Dickerson
3:00 pm- Dismissal
Early Bird Registration - $45
Through Dec17th
Regular Registration - $50
Until Day of Event
Onsite Registration - $55
Day of Event
Hotels in the Area
500 Metro Pl N, Dublin, OH 43017
$99 I Double Queen Room Group code TGC
6161 Parkcenter Cir, Dublin, OH 43017
$119 I Double Queen Room
5175 Post Rd, Dublin, OH 43017
$129 I Double Queen Room
Hotel group rates end December 19th, 2025- book today!